Knowledge Base
We do not believe it is possible to explicitly represent the behaviour of geogrids or geofabrics in layered elastic programs like CIRCLY, HIPAVE or APSDS.
On the other hand the most promising approach is to implicitly include the geosynthetic behaviour by using modified performance characteristics for the adjoining materials.
CIRCLY 5.1 Fatal Error Number 9607 – Analysis by numerical engine terminated with unspecified error
When you click the “Run Analysis” button, CIRCLYuses CIRCLY32.exe to perform the numerical analysis.
This error is very rare, but the combination of input data that you are using cannot be analysed.
We are currently working on a fix for this problem.
In the interim, try modifying one or more of your parameters such as layer thicknesses or material properties to see if that can be analysed without this error.
Please send your database files so that we can diagnose the problem.
Click .
The data folder will be shown in the “Data Path” field.
By default this will be “C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mincad Systems\CIRCLY5\data”.
Email the the database files LAYERS.MDB and LOADS.MDB.
When you look for the database files in Windows Explorer they will be of type “Microsoft Access Application” and the size will be at least 160 kb.
When you click the “Run Analysis” button, CIRCLY 5.x uses CIRCLY32.exe to perform the numerical analysis.
You are welcome to send your data files so that we can diagnose the problem.
Click .
The data folder will be shown in the “Data Path” field.
By default this will be “C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mincad Systems\CIRCLY5\data”.
Email the .cls and .sto files for the job that is giving the error and the database files LAYERS.MDB and LOADS.MDB.
When you look for the database files in Windows Explorer they will be of type “Microsoft Access Application” and the size will be at least 160 kb.
Click here to download the latest releases of CIRCLY.
Your Renewable Licence has expired.
A Renewable Licence requires payment of an annual renewal fee in order to receive a Licence Activation Key (by e-mail).
Until you enter a valid Licence Activation Key, the software will function in Evaluation Mode.
If you have recently been provided with a Licence Activation Key by Mincad Systems, start CIRCLY again so you can enter the Key.
If you have not received a Licence Activation Key yet, please contact Mincad Systems or your local agent.
If you have a Site Licence or a temporary Licence, the licence information is supplied to CIRCLY via a Licence Key File. This file has an Unspecified Error.
Contact your IT Administrator for help.
If you have a Site Licence or a temporary Licence, the licence information is supplied to CIRCLY via a Licence Key File. This file is corrupt.
Contact your IT Administrator for help.
If you have a Site Licence or a temporary Licence, the licence information is supplied to CIRCLY via a Licence Key File. This Licence Key has expired.
Click here to Uninstall the Licence Key.
Click here to Uninstall the Licence Key.
The folder that CIRCLY is using to store your data files is not writable.
Contact your IT Administrator for assistance (make sure you note the data folder – it is defined in the CIRCLY error message).
CIRCLY is unable to write to the file CIRCLY5.INI (for CIRCLY 5.x), CIRCLY6.INI (for CIRCLY 6.0) or CIRCLY7.0.INI (for CIRCLY 7.0) (in the Windows folder, for example C:WINDOWS).
Contact your IT Administrator for assistance (make sure you note the Windows folder – it is defined in the CIRCLY error message).
The folder that CIRCLY is using to store settings is not writable.
Contact your IT Administrator for assistance (make sure you note the settings folder – it is defined in the CIRCLY error message).
CIRCLY32.exe is the calculation engine used by CIRCLY.
It is highly likely that this error is a consequence of your antivirus software which has either:
- deleted the file
- moved the file to a quarantine folder, OR
- locked the file
We have seen this issue arise as a consequence of a false positive introduced in a recent update of virus definitions in several antivirus programs.
A false positive occurs when an antivirus program erroneously identifies a legitimate file or process as malware.
Contact your IT Administrator for assistance.
When you click the “Run Analysis” button, CIRCLYuses CIRCLY32.exe to perform the numerical analysis.
This error is usually caused by CIRCLY32.exe not having the correct permissions to be executed by CIRCLY.
Check with your System Administrator that CIRCLY32.exe is not being blocked by your Firewall.
Try switching off your Firewall(s). Here are some links showing how to switch off Windows Firewall:
You may also be running a third-party firewall.
The error/warning that you have encountered may not be accurate.
Please update to the latest version of CIRCLY – this may give you a more accurate diagnosis.
Download the CIRCLY installer.
We are now using an enhanced Licence Activation Key format.
The old V1 keys only had 1 digit to represent the year,
e.g. V1-CIR5-27019-REN-00227-COMI-991B represented 2020.
The new V2 keys use 2 digits to represent the year,
e.g. V2-CIR5-27019-REN-200227-COMI-1E78 represents 2020.
If you use an old V1 Activation Key in the latest software (with a version date of 20 February 2019 or later), you will get this error message:
Sorry, the Licence Activation Key is not the correct length.
It should look something like this:
Please contact Mincad Systems to get a replacement Licence Activation Key.
If you use a new V2 Activation Key in any older software (with a version date prior to 20 February 2019):
e.g. V2-CIR5-27019-REN-200105-COMI-1E78
Sorry, the Licence Activation Key is not the correct length.
It should look something like this:
In this case you need to update to the latest software version.
If you have a Hardware Lock for CIRCLY, you need to install a special driver.
(Note: if you are evaluating CIRCLY you do not need to install the driver.)
Download and install the Hardware Lock Driver.
Under normal circumstances a single user licence for CIRCLY, HIPAVE or APSDS requires you to use a Hardware Lock (aka “Sentinel” or “Dongle”).
If you are just evaluating CIRCLY, HIPAVE or APSDS OR using CIRCLY, HIPAVE or APSDS for CPEE assignments, CIRCLY, HIPAVE or APSDS will operate in “evaluation mode” without a Hardware Lock. To see the restrictions of “evaluation mode”, click one of these links: CIRCLY, HIPAVE, APSDS 5.0.
Warning: Using Hardware Lock through Remote Desktop or Terminal Server
Please Note that if you attempt to run CIRCLY, HIPAVE or APSDS that is usually protected by a Hardware Lock in standalone mode via a remote client (Terminal Server, VNC, WinXP remote client…), the software will not allow this for security reasons.
If you do have a Hardware Lock plugged into your parallel printer port or USB port and still get the “Sentinel is not present” error, please take the following steps:
1. If your Hardware Lock uses a parallel printer port – check that the port is working by printing a test page on your printer.
2. Try installing CIRCLY, HIPAVE or APSDS on another PC and check that the Hardware Lock works on that PC.
3. Make sure you connect the Hardware Lock directly to your PC – do not connect it via any sort of device such as USB hub, port replicater, docking station etc.
4. Download the Troubleshooting Guide for Sentinel Hardware Keys from here. Read the section Key Not Found starting on page 19.
If your are unable to configure your Parallel Port successfully, we can replace your Parallel Hardware Lock with a USB one.
We will replace a defective Hardware Lock.
Please contact Mincad Systems or your local agent to arrange a replacement for your Hardware Lock.
This error can result from a faulty driver configuration or from a faulty hardware lock.
Driver Configuration
The Troubleshooting Guide for Sentinel Hardware Keys provides in-depth troubleshooting of Sentinel System Drivers and troubleshooting both Parallel and USB Sentinel keys. Download the Guide from here.
Start with the Quick Install/Uninstall on page 3.
If that does not fix the problem:
Check the Hardware Lock on another PC
If that PC is not already running CIRCLY, APSDS or HIPAVE:
go to: /knowledge-base/hardware-lock-driver download this file and run it to install the Hardware Lock driver.
Download the Pavement Design Software:(You need to Register and Log-in to access this content. Click here to get started)
CIRCLY 7.0 software: CIRCLY 7.0 – Full Installation
CIRCLY 6.0 software: CIRCLY 6.0 – Full Installation
CIRCLY 5.1 software: CIRCLY 5.1 – Full Installation
APSDS 5.0 software: APSDS 5.0 – Full Installation
HIPAVE 5.0 software: HIPAVE 5.0 – Full Installation
If the Hardware Lock still gives that error: contact Mincad Systems or your local agent to arrange a replacement for your Hardware Lock.
You have more than one Mincad Systems Hardware Lock connected to your computer.
Please unplug all the Mincad Systems Hardware Locks, except the one for the program you are currently running.
Our Hardware Locks look like this:
Parallel Port version
USB Port version
Restart the program after you have the correct Hardware Lock connected.
Your Hardware Lock has been reported as lost or replaced.
Please contact Mincad Systems or your local agent for further assistance.
A. If you have purchased a new licence for CIRCLY 5.0 or later:
Please contact Mincad Systems or your local agent to arrange a replacement for your Hardware Lock.
B. If you have purchased an upgrade from an earlier version of CIRCLY:
You must key in a special activation code to set the Hardware Lock to run this CIRCLY Version. Make sure you have your activation code handy before proceeding.
Before doing this you must have installed the Sentinel System Driver (click here for instructions) AND CIRCLY the first time.
The Licence Activation Key provided by Mincad Systems will be of the form:
Copy the key to the Windows clipboard (by highlighting it and then Control+C).
Make sure your CIRCLY/APSDS Hardware Lock is plugged in.
Start CIRCLY from the Windows Start menu.
Click on the menu item “Help”, then “Licence Activation Key”. You will then see this form:
Paste (Control+V) your Licence Activation Key into the box, then click the “Process Key” button.
Then click the “Continue” button.
Please contact Mincad Systems or your local agent to arrange a replacement for your Hardware Lock.
Under normal circumstances a single user licence for CIRCLY, HIPAVE or APSDS requires you to use a Hardware Lock (aka “Sentinel” or “Dongle”).
The PC that you are sitting in front of must be running CIRCLY, HIPAVE or APSDS and the Hardware Lock must be plugged in to that PC.
For security reasons we do not permit you to run CIRCLY, HIPAVE or APSDS remotely via a remote client such as Remote Desktop, Terminal Server, VNC or WinXP remote client.
Your CIRCLY 5.0 Perpetual Licence is not valid for CIRCLY 5.1 or later.
You have two choices:
Revert to CIRCLY 5.0
A CIRCLY 5.0 Perpetual Licence allows you to use CIRCLY 5.0 for as long as you want.
CIRCLY 5.0 will continue to operate on any versions of Windows prior to Windows 8.
CIRCLY 5.0 will not operate on Windows 8.1 or Windows 10.
CIRCLY 5.0 will no longer be maintained or supported after 1 November 2012.
Download the CIRCLY 5.0 installer: CIRCLY 5.1 – Full Installation
Purchase a CIRCLY Annual Licence
With a CIRCLY Annual Licence you will be able to use the latest version of CIRCLY and keep receiving maintenance and support (or to use Windows 8.1 or Windows 10).
You pay annually in advance with an Annual Licence. There are no further charges for support and maintenance and you receive major upgrades such as CIRCLY 6.0. The Annual Licence price may increase in future years in line with list prices.
CIRCLY 5.0 Maintenance and Support was discontinued from 1 November 2012.
The impact of this date depends on what type of CIRCLY Licence you have:
CIRCLY Annual Licence
If you have a CIRCLY Annual Licence:
You should upgrade to CIRCLY 7.0 (at no charge) as this will ensure that you have the most up to date version of the program.
Click here to upgrade to CIRCLY 7.0.
Remember that if you intend to use Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, that you must install CIRCLY 5.1, CIRCLY 6.0 or CIRCLY 7.0 (CIRCLY 5.0 cannot be used).
CIRCLY 5.0 Perpetual Licence
If you have a CIRCLY 5.0 Perpetual Licence: A CIRCLY 5.0 Perpetual Licence allows you to use CIRCLY 5.0 for as long as you want. CIRCLY 5.0 will continue to operate on any versions of Windows prior to Windows 8.
CIRCLY 5.0 will no longer be maintained or supported after 1 November 2012.
You will need to order a CIRCLY Annual Licence to keep receiving maintenance and support (or to use Windows 8 or any future version of Windows). You pay annually in advance with an Annual Licence. There are no further charges for support and maintenance and you receive major upgrades such as CIRCLY 7.0. The Annual Licence price may increase in future years in line with list prices.
CIRCLY uses two database files, LOADS.mdb and LAYERS.mdb to store nearly all the data such as material properties and load data.
The database files are managed by the Microsoft Jet database engine.
Although theoretically these files can be shared by multiple users, the version of CIRCLY that you are using is configured for single user (i.e. exclusive) operation.
CIRCLY is reporting that one or both of the database files has/have already been opened.
This condition can arise for a number of reasons:
- Another process or user has the database open (see Sharing Problems below)
- The database may have not have correct permissions
- The database may be corrupt
Sharing Problems
Read What is an .LDB File?
Check if there are .ldb file(s) in the same folder as the .mdb files. If there are, delete them. You may need to reboot to delete them.
Security Settings and Share Settings
If you are working on a Network, get your IT Administrator to check the following:
For databases on network computers, go to the level that is shared. Usually that is an entire drive. Right click on it and select “Sharing and Security”. Make sure “Share this folder” is selected and there is a share name that does not have a dollar sign ($) behind it in the drop down box. (The dollar sign share is a default share for administrator only.) If there is not one, add it. Select a share without a dollar sign. Select permissions. Make sure the users that will be using the DB have change and read permissions.
Then right click on the folder(s) that contain the database(s) and select “Sharing and Security”. Select security. Make sure the users have read, write, modify, and read & execute permissions. Select advanced. Edit the users that will access the databases. Make sure they have create files and delete permissions.
Then right click on the the database(s) and select “Sharing and Security”. Select security. Make sure the users have read, write, modify, and read & execute permissions.
Database Corruption
If you still cannot open it, the database may be corrupt.
Install CIRCLY on another PC. Copy the CIRCLY data files to another PC (instructions here), and see if you can view the data from CIRCLY on that PC.
Do you have a backup that you can restore from?
If are still stuck, email your data files to Mincad Systems.
Try reinstalling CIRCLY.
Download the latest version.
If that doesn’t resolve the problem, please contact Mincad Systems or your local agent for further assistance.
Download the Hardware Lock Driver from here.
Extract the files from
Run Sentinel Protection Installer 7.6.9.exe
The Troubleshooting Guide for Sentinel Hardware Keys provides in-depth troubleshooting of Sentinel System Drivers along with troubleshooting both Parallel and USB Sentinel keys. Download the Guide from here.
Download the Sentinel Advanced Medic from here.
Special Instructions if you have a Parallel Hardware Lock
After launching Sentinel Protection Installer 7.6.9.exe, follow the steps in this screencast.
Keywords: Hardware Lock Driver, Sentinel Driver, Dongle Driver, Parallel Port, Printer Port.
To generate a 3D graph you need to use the following options:
1. Calculate Selected Results at User-defined z-Values (see User Manual, Page 34).
2. Coordinates for Results (see Page 69)
Click on “uniform grid of points”
This will let you define the uniform grid of points as shown on the lower part of Page 29.
To find out what data folder is currently being used (for either PC):
Click .
The data folder will be shown in the “Data Path” field.
By default this will be “C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mincad Systems\CIRCLY5\data”.
To transfer your CIRCLY 5.1 files to another PC:
Make sure all instances of CIRCLY are closed.
Copy all the files.
Of course, if the destination PC has important CIRCLY data you should back up those files first.
CIRCLY 5.1 can be run over a network, in the sense that the data files can stored and shared on a remote server or workstation.
For CIRCLY 5.1 to be able to access data over a network, you must Map the Network drive to a drive letter, for example M:
For the following procedure to work, it is assumed that the CIRCLY 5.1 data files are already installed on the server – (the core data files are *.cls and *.mdb).
To set up a client/workstation, follow these steps on the client:
1. Open Windows Explorer.
(To open Windows Explorer, click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Windows Explorer.)
2. In Windows Explorer, open “My Network Places” and navigate to the server, then to the drive where CIRCLY is installed.
3. Click the Right mouse button and click “Map Network Drive”.
This dialog will let you assign a drive letter, for example, “M:” to the remove drive.
(You may need to specify a password).
4. Now start CIRCLY on the client.
Click .
If for example the CIRCLY data files are installed in the folder “C:Users\Public\Documents\Mincad Systems\CIRCLY5\data” on the server, type in the following string:
M:C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mincad Systems\CIRCLY5\data
(here M is the drive letter assigned in step 3).
You should now be able to run CIRCLY on the client, while all data files are stored on the server.
Note: The Hardware Lock must be plugged into the client PC to successfully run CIRCLY analyses.
There is only one version of CIRCLY 5.1 , CIRCLY 6.0 and CIRCLY 7.0 – and they can be used in evaluation mode.
Please note: CIRCLY in Evaluation Mode is solely for demonstration or educational purposes and may not be used for commercial purposes of any kind.
You must have a full licence to use the software for Commercial Projects.
Evaluation Mode for CIRCLY 5.1 and CIRCLY 6.0 has the following restriction:
The TOTAL Pavement thickness must be 260 mm, 475 mm or 525 mm.
Please note that the Automatic Thickness Design and Parametric Analysis features are de-activated in evaluation mode.
Evaluation Mode for CIRCLY 7.0 has the following restriction:
CIRCLY 7.0 will operate in Evaluation Mode unless you have a CIRCLY Annual Licence (typically using a Hardware Lock).
Evaluation Mode has the following restrictions:
You must use the standard Material Properties provided with the Example Jobs or Workshop Exercises.
See CIRCLY 7.0 Evaluation Mode Restrictions for a list of the standard Material Properties.
Are you doing a CPEE Unit?
We have made CIRCLY available to CPEE students to facilitate completion of relevant design assignments. You can use CIRCLY in Evaluation Mode to analyse your assignments.
CIRCLY 7.0 will operate in Evaluation Mode unless you have a CIRCLY Annual Licence (typically using a Hardware Lock).
Evaluation Mode has the following restrictions:
You must use the standard Material Properties provided with the Example Jobs or Workshop Exercises.
See CIRCLY 7.0 Evaluation Mode Restrictions for a list of the standard Material Properties.
To find out what data folder is currently being used:
Click .
The data folder will be shown in the “Data Path” field.
By default this will be “C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mincad Systems\CIRCLY5\data”.
To backup your data:
At the very minimum you only need to back-up all the *.cls files and the database files LAYERS.MDBand LOADS.MDB.
There is only one possible catch.
CIRCLY is designed to use the latest (and only the latest) versions of the relevant data from the databases when you run an analysis. If you change ANY of the data that was used by previously run jobs, if you run those jobs again they will use the latest data, not the historical data. This is by design.
To ensure that you can check the actual data that was used in any given analysis you should back-up all the *.cli files too.
Click here to download the CIRCLY User Manual and software.
Click here to download the CIRCLY Manuals and software.