CIRCLY 7.0 Evaluation Mode Restrictions

  • CIRCLY 7.0 runs in Evaluation Mode if you do not have a full commercial licence (usually a hardware lock)


  • Evaluation Mode restrictions:

You must use the standard Material Properties provided with the Example Jobs or Workshop Exercises.

  • You can use the Automatic Thickness Design and Parametric Analysis (including Cost Optimization) features.


Standard Materials Properties Description
AC14 Size 14 – WMAPT 28⁰ C – 60 km/h
AC20 Size 20 – WMAPT 28⁰ C – 60 km/h
Unbound Granular (Austroads 2004 sub-layering)
Gran_150 Granular. E=150 MPa
Gran_210 Granular. E=210 MPa
Gran_500 Granular. E=500 MPa
Cement Stabilised
Cement3000 Cemented. E=3000 MPa
Cement Stabilised (post-cracking) 
Cem500A Cemented Granular-E=500 MPa. anisotropic.
Subgrade (Austroads 2017)
Sub_CBR2.5 Subgrade. CBR=2.5 Anisotropic
Sub_CBR3 Subgrade. CBR=3 Anisotropic
Sub_CBR5 Subgrade. CBR=5 Anisotropic
Haul Roads (isotropic)
iso 50 iso. E=50 MPa
iso 350 iso. E=350 MPa
iso 3000 iso. E=3000 MPa