Austroads Pavement Structural Design Guide
The Austroads Pavement Structural Design Guide is the basis for road pavement design in Australia and New Zealand.
CIRCLY 7.0 gives Reduced Asphalt Thickness for Heavy-Duty Structures
The following graph illustrates the considerable reduction in Asphalt thickness for pavements at higher traffic loads designed with CIRCLY 7.0 (using the Austroads 2017 Design Method), compared to CIRCLY 6.0 (using the Austroads 2004-12 Design Method).
This leads to reduced material and construction costs.
after Webinar presented on 9 March 2018 by Dr. Michael Moffatt (ARRB) – Pavement Design – Guide To Pavement Technology Parts 2 And 4C (2017 Editions)
CIRCLY 7.0 has just been released.
Click here to view a 10-minute screencast that shows how the CIRCLY 7.0 User Interface works.
Following Videos show the CIRCLY 7.0 Workshop Exercise Steps.
(The Exercises are described in the CIRCLY 7.0 Workshop Notes)
You can get an Overview of CIRCLY 7.0 by starting here.
Then click the Next > button at the bottom right hand corner on each page.
The Austroads Pavement Structural Design Guide has undergone a major revision that was released in December 2017.
The major change is how the details of the Traffic Load Distribution (TLD) are used as design inputs. The Traffic Load Distribution consists of the frequency distribution of Axle Group Loads.
Here’s an example of CIRCLY 7.0‘s Traffic Load Distribution screen:
You can upgrade to CIRCLY 7.0 – at no extra cost if you have a current CIRCLY Annual Subscription.
2017 Austroads Pavement Structural Design Guide Released
Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology: Part 2: Pavement Structural Design was released in December 2017.
Looking for a State Pavement Design Supplement?
Just click on the State.
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Warning: The Traffic Load Distributions (TLDs) as provided in Appendix B of the Code (versions prior to December 2018) are incorrect.
Code of Practice. RC 500.22. Selection and design of pavements and surfacings. December 2018.
Vicroads has updated RC 500.22 to reflect changes in Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology – Part 2: Pavement Structural Design (AGPT02-17) (released in December 2017).
If Weigh in Motion data is not available or specified, Traffic Load Distributions (TLDs) as provided in Appendix B of the Code for the appropriate road class shall be used. The 12 TLDs defined in Appendix B are pre-loaded into CIRCLY 7.0, as shown below:
This Code sets down VicRoads procedures for the selection and design of new road pavements and surfacing.
The Code includes important information on Selection of Asphalt Types and typical characteristics of asphalts commonly used by VicRoads.
You can download the Code from here.
New south australia DPTI Supplement to Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI):
Supplement to the Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology Part 2: Pavement Structural Design.
The purpose of this Supplement is to provide more specific procedures and direction when using the Austroads methodology for the design of new pavements for the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, a South Australian State Government Department.
This Edition published September 2019.
Download these 2 files from here:
New New South Wales Roads and Maritime Supplement to Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology
This supplement is issued to clarify, add to, or modify the Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology, Part 2: Pavement Structural Design (2017).
NSW Roads and Maritime Services accept the principles in the Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology, Part 2: Pavement Structural Design (2017) with variations documented in this supplement.
Document No: RMS 11.050 Version 3.0 | August 2018
Supersedes: RMS 11.050 Version 2.2
Download from here.
NEW Queensland Pavement Design Supplement
The June 2021 edition of the supplement replaces the 2017 Pavement Design Supplement. The supplement has been updated primarily to align with the December 2017 version of AGPT02.
The Pavement Design Supplement sets out supplementary and specific requirements for the design of pavements for Main Roads. It includes Main Roads requirements for pavement types, reliability, subgrade assessment, climatic considerations, material characterisation, traffic, design and comparison of designs.
New: Transport and Main Roads CIRCLY 7.0 Materials Database

Sample from Transport and Main Roads CIRCLY Materials Database
The CIRCLY 7.0 Materials Database is intended to facilitate the design of pavements following Transport and Main Roads guidelines and standards. It includes the most common materials used on departmental projects. The accompanying User Guide summarises the content of the materials database and instructs users on how to install the database so that it can be used with CIRCLY 7.0 design software.
Further details here.
Tasmania Department of State Growth / Transport adopts VicRoads Codes of Practice
The Department has adopted VicRoads Codes of Practice for Pavements and Surfacing.
northern territory – Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
Currently, the Northern Territory does not have a pavement design supplement, but they do have Road Design Standards.
New Zealand guide to pavement structural design updated to latest Austroads Part 2
The 2017 New Zealand Guide to Pavement Structural Design replaces the New Zealand Supplement to the Document, Pavement Design – A guide to the structural design of road Pavements (Austroads 2004) written by Transit in 2007.
This Guide includes additional guidelines for the Engineer in applying the Austroads design procedures resulting from research results and experience gained in New Zealand. The aim is to minimise confusion and promote consistency in design assumptions applied in New Zealand.
This version of the New Zealand guide to pavement structural design is to be used for the design of new pavements.
For rehabilitation refer to the New Zealand guide to pavement evaluation and treatment.
Main Roads, Western Australia Pavement Design Supplement
The latest revision of Engineering Road Note 9 is May 2013.
See also – full list of Road Notes.
Important Warning- Heavy Duty Pavements
Performance data developed for highway pavements (e.g. Austroads) is not generally appropriate for heavy loadings such as airports and container terminals. Use of such models can lead to grossly under-designed pavements.
For further details see the Heavy Duty Industrial Pavement Design Guide.