Mine Haul Road Design Software – CIRCLY 7.0
CIRCLY 7.0 software fully automates mechanistic structural design of unpaved mine haul road pavements trafficked by heavy mine vehicles and dump trucks etc.
Better haul road design reduces capital and maintenance costs.
The South African design method represents the state of the art in haul truck pavement design. This paper outlines the South African design method:
Thompson, R.J. and Visser, A.T. (1999). Designing and Managing Unpaved Opencast Mine Haul Roads for Optimum Performance. SME Annual Meeting March 1-3, 1999, Denver, Colorado.
See these pages for an overview of the CIRCLY 7.0 Haul Road Pavement Design Feature.
Haul Road Design website launched!
We have just launched the Haul Road Design website – a rich resource for Articles, Papers, Reports and Software for Mine Haul Road Design.
Other publications by Dr Roger Thompson (Western Australia School of Mines)
Fundamentals of Mine Haul Road Design.
by Dr Roger Thompson (Western Australia School of Mines)
May 2015.
A 152 page ebook.
Download Thompson, R. J. (2015). Fundamentals of Mine Haul Road Design. V2.0.15 Sept..
GSFM – An Integrated Approach to Mine Haul Road Design (2011)
An 84 slide presentation – download Thompson, R. J. (2011). GSFM – An Integrated Approach to Mine Haul Road Design.
Guidelines for Mine Haul Road Design (Tannant and Regensburg, 2001)
This publication covers broader aspects of Haul Road Design than the South African method. It endorses the South African method.
Summary: http://www.smartmines.com/mhroad/guidelines.pdf
The full document is about 100 pages.
For further information or to purchase a copy of the Guidelines contact:
Dwayne D Tannant, Ph.D., P.Eng. School of Mining & Petroleum Engineering Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta CANADA T6G 2W2
tel: (780) 492-3379
fax: (780) 492-0249
email: dtannant@ualberta.ca
The cost including shipping is:
- $150 CDN for shipments within Canada
- $150 US for shipments internationally
Caterpillar Haul Road Design and Management
A Presentation by Pete Holman (2006)
Cat Global mining have also published a good presentation by Pete Holman titled Caterpillar Haul Road Design and Management, while in part being a bit of a marketing plug for the exclusive Caterpillar road monitoring tool called “Road Analysis Control” or RAC, presentation contains good detail with respect to road design parameters, tyre management, grade impacts on load transfer for both cross fall and ramp gradients and dust control techniques.
Download here.