Blog Archives
Using CIRCLY 6.0 over a network
CIRCLY 6.0 can be run over a network, in the sense that the data files can stored and shared on a remote server or workstation. For the following procedure to work, it is assumed that the CIRCLY 6.0 data files are already installed on the server – (the core data files are *.cls and *.cmdb). To set up a client/workstation, follow these steps on the client: 1. Open Windows Explorer. 2. In Windows Explorer, open “My Network Places” and navigate to the server, then to the drive where the CIRCLY data is stored. 3. Now start CIRCLY on the client. Click . If for example the CIRCLY data files are installed in the folder “C:Users\Public\Documents\Mincad Systems\CIRCLY6\data” on the server, type in…
What CIRCLY 6.0 files do I need to backup?
To find out what data folder is currently being used: Click . The data folder will be shown in the “Data Path” field. By default this will be “C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mincad Systems\CIRCLY6\data”. To backup your data: At the very minimum you only need to back-up all the *.cls files and the database files LAYERS6.CMDB and LOADS6.CMDB. There is only one possible catch. CIRCLY is designed to use the latest (and only the latest) versions of the relevant data from the databases when you run an analysis. If you change ANY of the data that was used by previously run jobs, if you run those jobs again they will use the latest data, not the historical data. This is by design. To ensure that you can check the actual data…
CIRCLY 6.0 Fatal Error Number 9608 – Analysis by numerical engine terminated with fatal error
When you click the “Run Analysis” button, CIRCLY 6.0 uses CIRCLY32.exe to perform the numerical analysis. You are welcome to send your data files so that we can diagnose the problem. Click . The data folder will be shown in the “Data Path” field. By default this will be “C:Users\Public\Documents\Mincad Systems\CIRCLY6\data”. Email the .cls and .sto files for the job that is giving the error and the database files LAYERS6.CMDB and LOADS6.CMDB.…
Error Number: 9201 – Hardware Lock has not been activated to run this CIRCLY Version
A. If you have purchased a new licence for CIRCLY 5.0 or later: Please contact Mincad Systems or your local agent to arrange a replacement for your Hardware Lock. B. If you have purchased an upgrade from an earlier version of CIRCLY: You must key in a special activation code to set the Hardware Lock to run this CIRCLY Version. Make sure you have your activation code handy before proceeding. Before doing this you must have installed the Sentinel System Driver (click here for instructions) AND CIRCLY the first time. The Licence Activation Key provided by Mincad Systems will be of the form: V1-HIP1-26719-REN-70611-COMI-7146 Copy the key to the Windows clipboard (by highlighting it and then Control+C). Make sure your CIRCLY/APSDS Hardware Lock…
Can I model geogrids or geofabrics in layered elastic programs like CIRCLY, HIPAVE or APSDS?
We do not believe it is possible to explicitly represent the behaviour of geogrids or geofabrics in layered elastic programs like CIRCLY, HIPAVE or APSDS. On the other hand the most promising approach is to implicitly include the geosynthetic behaviour by using modified performance characteristics for the adjoining materials.…
How can I get an evaluation version of CIRCLY 6.0?
There is only one version of CIRCLY 6.0 – and it can be used in evaluation mode. Click here to download the latest release of CIRCLY 6.0.…
Error Number: 9103 – Hardware Lock User ID has not been set
Please contact Mincad Systems or your local agent to arrange a replacement for your Hardware Lock.…
Where can I download the Program CIRCLY Theory and Background Manual?
Click here to download the CIRCLY Manuals and software.…
Where can I download the CIRCLY User Manual?
Click here to download the CIRCLY User Manual and software.…