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What are the limitations of CIRCLY Evaluation Mode?

There is only one version of CIRCLY 5.1 , CIRCLY 6.0 and CIRCLY 7.0 – and they can be used in evaluation mode. Evaluation Mode for CIRCLY 5.1 and CIRCLY 6.0 has the following restriction: The TOTAL Pavement thickness must be 260 mm, 475 mm or 525 mm. Please note that the Automatic Thickness Design and Parametric Analysis features are de-activated in evaluation mode. Evaluation Mode for CIRCLY 7.0 has the following restriction: Are you doing a CPEE Unit? We have made CIRCLY available to CPEE students to facilitate completion of relevant design assignments. You can use CIRCLY in Evaluation Mode to analyse your assignments.…

Hardware Lock Driver

Download the Hardware Lock Driver from here. Extract the files from Run Sentinel Protection Installer 7.6.9.exe Troubleshooting The Troubleshooting Guide for Sentinel Hardware Keys provides in-depth troubleshooting of Sentinel System Drivers along with troubleshooting both Parallel and USB Sentinel keys. Download the Guide from here. Download the Sentinel Advanced Medic from here. Special Instructions if you have a Parallel Hardware Lock After launching Sentinel Protection Installer 7.6.9.exe,  follow the steps in this screencast. Keywords: Hardware Lock Driver, Sentinel Driver, Dongle Driver, Parallel Port, Printer Port.…